If You Can Only Measure Three Things About Your Audience... Measure These

If You Can Only Measure Three Things About Your Audience... Measure These

These days, we are surrounded by so much data it can be overwhelming. Often, we find ourselves collecting data thinking that it may be useful, but if we never turn it into something actionable, what was the point? If you’re swimming in data, take a deep breath, step back, and consider these three measures as a new starting point to understand and grow your audience.

Be a Polyglot - in Whatever You Do

Be a Polyglot - in Whatever You Do

How many languages do you speak? English? Spanish? Arts? Sports? Finance? Public Relations?

We are chronically guilty of speaking less languages than we need to speak to navigate our work, our life, and our travels. Making an effort in earnest to expand our vocabulary and comprehension outside of our comfort zone takes work, but pays off - whether it’s a matter of learning to speak German before traveling to Berlin or leaning to speak education or production to more effectively partner across departments. But the effort is worth it.

Gospel Grams - A Case Study on Re-Framing the Message

Gospel Grams - A Case Study on Re-Framing the Message

In 2010, the Alliance Theatre had a remarkable opportunity, staging an all-new gospel score to the hit rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar. With a cast of close to 50, including a chorus of 27 singers hand-picked from church choirs across the Atlanta region, it had the potential to be a huge hit. But how to help an audience understand that the musical they thought they knew would have a new sound? Start a campaign that makes it fun and easy to let your friends know that “everything sounds better with gospel.”